About Us
Message from the President
“Aiming for the best, not the biggest”
With the YASDA spirit embodied in this unchanging slogan, and by sparing no effort to meet the ever-increasing need for precision, YASDA, which began in 1929 as a small factory with only three people in boring operations, has grown into a mother machine manufacturer supported by customers around the world.
Various fields are now undergoing changes into a new era.
Electrification of automobiles, further innovation in medical equipment, more compact electronic and communication equipment, lighter weight aircraft, space development, development of new materials…
We will continue to evolve our products in response to the changing industries of the times, and contribute to manufacturing as a reliable partner to drive advanced industries together.
We will focus on providing not only the “best products” built with our “commitment” to precision and technology, but also technical information and processing technology that only YASDA can provide as well as the “best services” that meet the needs of our users.
President Takuto Yasuda